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Reconnective Healing Sessions

30 min
On Request
Centro de Reconectividade

Descrição do serviço

With just one session you will be able to quickly recover your global balance and experience another state of consciousness, with more inner peace and mental clarity. Sessions are facilitated without touch and can be in person or remotely. You can receive from one to three sessions in a row - on consecutive days or with an interval between sessions of a few days - and only one session is necessary to start the process. It's always you who decides how many and when - and there is no diagnosis or prescription in our interaction. Before scheduling your session, we will have a conversation where I will inform you about everything you need to know about this process that accelerates your return to balance and your evolution. During the thirty minutes of the session, you will immerse yourself in an experience of yourself, in a profound way. There are people who have different sensations during the session, there are others who feel nothing different. What happens during the session doesn't really matter as the process always starts and everyone gets something. In the following days, weeks and months you will be able to experience a different perception of yourself and life, with different discoveries, at all levels. These frequencies recover our original connection with our essence, allow us to instinctively tune in with our highest version, facilitate the constant discovery of the true potential of our vibrational signature, and intensify our power of co-creation, according to the rhythms and flows of the universe. After that session or that group of sessions, you should watch two or three months to get perspective and see what you got after all. The Reconnective Healing® process is subtle but palpable and verifiable. Your attention to the process feeds it. I will always be available to accompany you on your discoveries in the following days and months, at no additional cost. The answers are always within you, but in the discovery that this Reconnective Healing process is, having me as someone who contextualizes your experiences and helps you find those answers within you, is yet another factor that favors your evolution and progress. To know more about this process, please watch these short videos with quick explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFTEn2zez8c&list=PLonEtPRorq7UW5QfRayfwxDsDETtznzyo

Reconnective Healing e a Reconexão Pessoal não são técnicas nem tratamentos ou terapias, e não se focam em nenhum resultado concreto. O meu papel enquanto facilitadora é preparar-te para te abrires a este processo maior, mais amplo, que te trará a um equilíbrio mental, emocional e físico num nível de vibração superior, e largar as expectativas de um resultado em concreto. Guiar a tua atenção para os aspectos mais subtis permitirá que ganhes um maior entendimento de como aprofundar este processo, já que a tua atenção nele o alimenta.  

Uma característica importante é o facto de eu não necessitar conhecer a razão da tua sessão para poderes ter todos os benefícios dela. Estou treinada para te escutar verdadeiramente mas não é necessário que te exponhas, se não te sentires confortável para o fazer. Tal ajuda também a saíres do nível mental, da tua narrativa, e abrires-te a uma versão maior de ti mesmo/a.

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